Monday, February 21, 2011

Zambezi full 2

The Great Wall of building materials systems using local resources, quite different parts. leather belts Han mud and reeds to build the Great Wall. Great Wall sizes vary to Juyongguan area concerned, height of about 8.5 meters wide and 8.5 meters lower and upper 5 meters wide. every 70 to 100 meters with a Fort (equivalent to the tower), about 12.3 meters high, the majority of Fort is a heavy, land is crucial set of two, triple. .through mountainous or hilly eastern Great Wall, called as color only desolation. If boarding during the Yanmenguan, Juyongguan, Gubeikou or Shanhaiguan, facing the situation of China is great rivers, the settlers exploiting the boundary of difficult compelling, but unlimited ambitions are aroused.
Victoria Falls world famous Falls. located in the northwest, Zimbabwe and Zambia at the junction of the middle of the Zambezi River. Zambezi full 2,700 km, is east Africa is largest rivers flow into the Indian Ocean. According to geologists infer about the formation of the Falls 1.5 million years ago .1885, British missionary David. Livingstone was found in the expedition, and named after the then Queen of England. now there is a waterfall near the statue of Livingstone.

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